藝術創作三十年 遊歷世界五十國

Xie Ming Chang
Born in 1955, graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University, Department of Chinese Literature
Created art for three decades, travelled to fifty countries of the world
Eighteen solo exhibitions, twenty books of literature studies
1970 representative of local/ native Taiwanese painters
Representative of Taiwan’s golden age of watercolor painting
Taiwan’s Centennial Water Exhibition, elected Chinese watercolor painter
Twice invited to Christie's International Art Auction in Germany
National Literary Award, Youth Western Painting Special Award
National Art Exhibition Golden Dragon Award Winner, Judging Panel Member
Ministry of Education Literary Creation Award, Jin Jue Award
Hosted public television show; thirteenth episode of ‘The Silver Haired University Department of Fine Arts’
Former member of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum Collection Committee
Former Department of Visual Communication Design Hsuan Chuang University Associate Professor
Former Taiwan University Department of Fine Arts Associate Professor
Former Associate Professor of Fu Jen Catholic University of Applied Arts
Currently on the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Goods Inspection Committee
Taipei Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall Sample Collection and Application Development Review Committee
Special Columnist for United Daily Newspaper (Lianhe Bao) "Watercolor Masterpieces of Taiwan"
Author of recent novel titled ‘Watercolor Creation’, 2011
Current Professional Watercolor Painter

1982、1984 台北阿波羅畫廊∕畫以載道系列∕感觸與觸感系列
1985、1988、1990、1993、1995、1999 台北皇冠藝文中心∕中國震撼系列∕美麗與滄桑系列∕中國歲月系列∕浪漫中國系列∕新台灣人看老台灣系列
2000 台北雅逸藝術中心∕謝明錩的心靈散步系列
2002 台灣創價學會∕俯仰水彩三十年-謝明錩創作歷程展
2003 台北世華藝術中心∕時光與夢境系列
2004 台南格爾畫廊∕出走的靈魂系
列 2006 台北縣政府文化局藝文中心∕隱藏的韻律系列
2008 台南格爾畫廊、富立建設∕說故事的人系列
2010 郭木生文教基金會美術中心∕人文‧風景系列
2012 郭木生文教基金會美術中心∕意念遊戲系列

1985 應邀參加「全省美展40年回顧展」,省立美術館展出
1986 應邀參加「亞洲水彩聯盟展」於曼谷、吉隆坡、雅加達、漢城等地展出
1988 應邀參加「中華民國當代藝術創作展」,美國加州聖荷西埃及博物館展出
1988 「中華民國美術發展展」,省立美術館展出
1995 應邀參加西班牙畢爾包國際水彩畫展
1996 應邀參加佳士得國際藝術品拍賣會:作品《永樂町盛景》
2002 二度應邀參加佳士得國際藝術品拍賣會:作品《大溪懷舊》
2003 「台灣美術戰後五十年作品展」,長流美術館展出
2004 「反思–70年代台灣美術發展展」,台北市立美術館展出
2005 應邀參加「台灣當代名家美術展」,沙烏地阿拉伯國立博物館展出
2006 「2006國際華人水彩經典大展」,歷史博物館一樓展出
2006 應邀參加「1905–2006中國百年水彩畫展」,北京中國美術館展出
2008 「台灣水彩一百年」,歷史博物館及國立台灣美術館展出
2011 應邀參加「畫廊博覽會」世華藝術中心出品,台北世貿一館展出
2014 應邀參加「傳統藝術的當代性」三人展,台北國泰世華藝術中心展出
2014 應格爾畫廊、雅逸藝術中心之邀參展台南國際藝術博覽會

1978 雄獅美術新人獎第一名
1982 國家文藝獎(青年西畫特別獎)
1983 全省美展第二名
1984 台北市立美術館當代水彩彩墨展第三名
1986 中國文藝協會文藝獎章
1986 全國美展金龍獎
1987 教育部文藝創作獎第二名
1988 中華民國畫學會金爵獎
1997 著作《水彩畫法的奧秘》榮獲金鼎獎
2014 著作《水彩創作》榮獲台灣文化部推薦為中學生優良課外讀物
l987 走進店裡瞧一瞧(民生報‧兒童散文畫集)
l988 謝明錩的眼睛(皇冠‧生活美學畫文集)
l988 讀畫散記(皇冠‧散文水彩畫集)
l989 古典的晨曦(皇冠‧水彩畫記事手冊)
l990 美麗與滄桑(皇冠‧水彩畫集)
l992 陽光聚會(漢藝色研‧水彩畫記事手冊)
l993 中國‧歲月(皇冠‧水彩畫集)
l995 到歐洲去玩(聯經‧遊記散文)
l995 浪漫中國(皇冠‧水彩畫集)
l996 水彩畫法的奧祕(雄獅美術‧水彩技法研究)
1996 走進水彩畫的世界(藝術教育館‧水彩畫欣賞)
l999 新台灣人看老台灣(皇冠‧水彩畫集)
2002 俯仰水彩三十年(正因文化‧水彩畫集)
2003 時光與夢境(世華藝術中心‧水彩畫集)
2004 看懂世界名畫(爾雅‧觀念導引、現代畫賞析)
2005 水彩生活畫(藝風堂‧水彩技法指導)
2006 隱藏的韻律(台北縣文化局‧水彩畫集)
2008 說故事的人(台南富立建設‧水彩畫文集)
2009 謝明錩水彩畫(台灣名家美術100years)
2011 水彩創作-觀念技法與實務解析(雄獅美術)


從早期的客觀寫實到浪漫寫實,謝明錩的畫一直不脫「美麗與滄桑」的範疇,即使到了今天,他開始追求局部風景中隱藏的韻律節奏,筆法由精細轉趨豪放,仍然會有一種詩意與淡淡的愁緒滲透出來。 謝明錩作畫的題材其實是包羅萬象的,就連創作意念與表現形式也不一而足,但他的畫總能實穿一種類似的氣質,表現出一種與眾不同的生命情境。


一. 沒有創作就沒有藝術
二. 創作與習作的最大分野是「意念」
三. 意念帶動技巧,技巧形成風格
四. 最易讓人心動的是色彩,最能看出功力的是筆觸,影最後成敗的是結構,最耐人尋味的是內涵,奠定藝術成就的是風格
五. 藝術的最高境界是「遊戲」



The style of realism, proficiency of technique, a unique grasp of mediums, pieces brimful with poetry and thick with nostalgia; Xie Ming Chang advocates for the notion of ‘painting as a vehicle’ to tell the honest circumstances. As watching wild weeds perform their tenacity through bouts of heavy rain, a metaphor for life is expressed, as well as inspiration for literary meditation and and philosophical thinking.
From the early objective realism to romantic realism, Xie Ming Chang’s paintings have captured the concept of ‘beauty and vicissitude’. Even today, he pursues rhythms hidden within local landscapes; although his brush strokes have grown bolder, there will still be poetry with a touch of melancholia to permeate it. Xie Ming Chang’s paintings feature all encompassing themes his creative ideas and manifestations are numerous, but his paintings always portray similar qualities, presenting different situations in life.

‘Elements of my artistic point of view:
1. There is no artistic creation
2. The dividing line between creation and assignments are ‘ideas’
3. Ideas are driven by skill, and skills gradually form style.
4. The most impressive quality is color, the most visible is brush stroke, the determinant of a film’s success or failure is the structure, the most intriguing is the meaning. Artistic achievement is to create a distinct style.
5. The highest state of all art is ‘play’.’

‘My unique artistic attributes and themes:
Humanities, design quality, music, qualities of time and era, realism and abstract integration, a stress on rhythm and harmony, close focus, powerful brush strokes, high contrast, creative ideas, an artistic breakthrough of techniques.’