


The ‘hand’ is a symbol of hard labor; it is the dream of most credited artists, especially in Liao Wen Bin’s portrayal in paintings showing attitudes towards the self and towards society, and in the growth of metaphorical objects depicted in artwork. Furthermore, there is a depicted ‘temperature’, a warmth at which Mr. Liao’s vision of the world and memories are presented in his pieces.

Liao Wen Bin has won several prestigious awards in recent years: the CHIMEI Art Prize, the JINCHE Youth Painting Award First Prize, and the Taiwan International Exhibition prize. The themes of his artwork are perceptive, his brush strokes delicate, his color palette calm and warm, conveying a style of impactful magical realism. On the surface, his themes may appear serene and composed; however, humorous twists in his objectives deliver smiles to his audience and thus shape his unique artistic style.

Components from laboring and construction sites ­ clay bricks, yellow border tape, screws, cloth and gloves ­ reveal Mr. Liao’s memories of his environment as well as his personal playground.

His initial creative force is, moreover, his approach to aesthetics; crossing reality from different perspectives. Mr. Liao’s ‘Chasing Dreams’ series is his profound depiction of society’s distant dreams; his additional works ‘Pragmatic’, ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ ‘The Balance of Double’, and ‘Home of Two’ have also become creative threads of thought expressed through art.

The reflection of social class inequalities is apparent in his piece ‘Taiwan’s Venus’, which is based on the laboring mother’s spirit. With the portrayal of the exquisitely beautiful female form of Venus, the beauty of toil and hard labor is vividly conveyed alongside cultural aspects. The ‘I Am a Cow’ series and other works feature the symbolic hand, adorning Mr. Liao’s artwork with rich symbols. In his most recent series, construction gloves are fluidly molded into the shape of a chameleon ­ characteristics of the artist are also revealed in the reptile subject, including its innately discreet manner and its power of camouflage. Liao Wen Bin’s solo exhibition unearths the core of artistic style, and strives for a future in which to explore endless possibilities.



2015 第27屆奇美藝術獎 美術類西畫組首獎
2013 第二屆台灣筆會 金筆獎(第一名)
第六屆金車青年油畫獎 第一名
台灣國展 優選
2011 第23屆奇美藝術獎 美術類雕塑類首獎
2010 第44屆國軍文藝金像獎 水彩類-第一名
2009 北縣美展雕塑類第三名

2014 台藝大雕塑系新生代校友聯展 於台藝大藝術博物館展出
2013 台灣筆會 於台灣美術館展出
奇美藝術獎25周年特展-開起天真之眼 於中正紀念堂瑞元廳展出
台灣國展 於彰化生活美學館展出
2012 「廖文彬成果展」於草山行館 92館展出
       「 中青四人聯展」於楊品文化,高雄,台灣
       「奇美藝術獎25周年特展-開起天真之眼 」於中正紀念堂,台北,台灣
2010「新北市-城市,創意,工藝 特展」於板橋,台灣

2014~2015 高雄駁二藝術特區公共創作四件
2014 台北元宵燈會 燈籠馬雕塑裝置一件
2013 於雲林-孩沙里 製作戶外景觀雕塑「孩沙印象」一件
2012 草山行館藝術家駐村
2011~2012 擔任楊明忠老師助手 製作-奇美博物館-榮耀天使


記得曾經觀看冉茂芹老師的示範光碟時,他曾提到他以前離開大陸到香港時,他曾為了要不要繼續堅持畫畫或去賺錢,那段時間他總是在那苦思冥想著,有天他在彌敦道街燈之下,夜深人靜時,他想通了一件事情!就是美國現實主義鄉土畫家-魏斯 他一生所畫的,主要是他居住地緬因州的熟人、熟景,如牧場、海邊、周遭的農夫及退役軍人等等,...但他卻成就了他的事業。他哪都沒有去!?(有人說他應該要到巴黎或紐約去,但他沒有...)這點很讓人感動!一個人的成就是因為他的堅持與執著,而不是因為他去了哪裡!? 藝術不是橫向移植的,而是原地向上攀登的,以及生命內在的需要!藝術創作是為了內心上的滿足,更不是為了利益和金錢!







I vividly remember watching a CD of Ran Mao Qin’s demonstration ­ he mentioned that when he departed from mainland China for Hong Kong, he was forced to consider his options of adhering to a painting career or making money. One late night, under street lights, he came to a realization. Native American realist painter, Andrew Wyeth, had based his paintings around his life. His residence in Maine, his acquaintances, scenery of pastures, seas, farmers... however, he achieved the career of his dreams. He never traveled nor budged a step from where he already was! Some said he should have ventured to Paris or New York, however, he chose not to. This was immensely touching! It illustrated the notion that one’s success arises from insistence and persistence, not from where he has travelled. Art is not migration, but a climb, and the innate need for life and creation! Art is formed to sate the heart’s wishes, not the greed for money and profits!

Thus, this became a shocking discovery for me, during the time I was still in college. I waited until after my military service, and thus rose from my gestation period, living in the natural tide of my life and its surroundings, prepared for a creative start!

My parents were laborers, construction workers; from my early years, I accompanied them to construction sites. Items from these areas of my childhood memories ­ brick clay, cloth gloves, screws, etc. ­ are the tools that sustained my parents’ lives. Presumably, they are mundane or unsightly to the eyes of pedestrians, but to my current, artistically keen self, every object has a relationship to life and society, and carries rich emotion and warmth. Thus, they have become important mediums and themes in my work, conveying the most profound significance. The pleasure, the strenuousness, the workers’ toil in the construction sites, reveals that despite the labor and hardships of work, there still exists the capacity to smile...

At Taiwan’s College of the Arts, I studied four years of sculpture; however, I don’t simply create the conventional stone or wood carvings. I utilize materials from construction sites, cement and bricks, carved into rustic but honest work. Through alternative use of building materials, I am drawn closer to laborers and have the opportunity to translate my appreciation for their work!

Perhaps it is the understanding and support of my family that has led me on the road to creation. I can consistently draw energy from my past and memories, applying them to my art vocabulary and skills. I can also hope that viewers will appreciate my work, viewing the everyday elements in a disparate light, observing the ways in which the world might be different.